Shiitake Log Kit Instructions
Shiitake mushrooms are native to East Asian and are now cultivated worldwide. They are a culinary treat and are known for a rich and savory flavor as well as many health benefits. Shiitakes have a meaty texture which makes a great meat substitute. Shiitakes are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Compounds found in shiitake may help to support heart health, boost immunity, and help fight cancer cells.
When To Fruit

Shiitake logs can take between 6-9 months from the date of inoculation to fully colonize the log and start fruiting conditions. The fruiting season ranges from April until October when temperatures range from 55 to 75 degrees F and humidity levels are high. Each log can produce a harvest 3-4 times per year and can last 2-4 years if handled properly. The log kit can also be “force fruited” once the log is fully established. During the winter months, the log will go dormant and will should not be affected by the cold weather.
Where to Fruit
The log should be placed in a location that receives at least 80% shade and preferably in a woody area. The log should have plenty of air flow and should be stood upright or can be leaned against another tree. You may add a brick and mulch layer under the end of the log to keep it from becoming too wet. The logs can also be grown indoors or on a shady patio but they do tend to grow better outdoors. Never place the log in direct sunlight, however, minimal light is required for fruiting conditions. The log will need to watered on a regular basis if growing indoors.
Harvesting & Force Fruiting
If left outside, natural rainfall should be enough for the log kit to fruit. If it seems too dry, you can water the log with a hose 2-3 times per month. If keeping the log indoors, the log should be sprayed with a water hose or watered by standing up in a shallow dish of water 2-3 times per month. Do not soak the log unless it has rested and is ready for fruiting conditions. Let dry for a day and return to a shaded area inside with minimal light. Note, the log must receive some light and should not be left in the dark. The log kit can be force-fruited up to 3 times per year, however, the log must be fully colonized and allowed to fruit naturally before force fruiting. As an example, the log can force fruited in late Spring, mid Summer, and in the Fall. The log must rest 8-10 weeks between soaking to let the mycelium recover. Keep in mind that the first year’s harvest will be smaller and will continue to increase in yield as the mycelium colonizes the log structure. It is always best to check the logs after each rain storm so that you do not miss any mushrooms. Simple twist mushroom at base or cut with a sharp knife. Be sure to spray baby mushrooms often when growing.
How to Force Fruit Shiitake

1. Fruiting season can begin mid to late April and last until late October. The log kit will take 6-12 months to colonize and start fruiting. The inoculation date is located on the aluminum tag on the kit. Do not force fruit until the log has fruited for the first time naturally.
2. Fully immerse your log kit in cold water in a bucket for 12 hours. Do not soak for longer than 24 hours as it can kill the mycelium. Use non-chlorinated water and let tap water sit a few days before soaking to evaporate chlorine.
3. Remove log from water and place in a shady spot.
4. Drape a plastic grocery bag over the log for 2-4 days until small button size mushrooms appear from the inoculation holes. Remove bag daily to spray the log with water and to allow some air flow.
5. It is best to lightly mist the log daily and while under the plastic bag to help initiate mushroom pinning. You may also put a plate with a small amount of water underneath the log to help hydrate it.
6. Fresh shiitake will be ready to harvest in 8-10 days and should be picked before the mushroom cap begins to turn upward for ideal freshness.
7. Allow the log kit to rest for a minimum of 8 weeks after fruiting. Do not force fruit more than 3 times per year. Allowing them to fruit naturally or a longer rest period will help to produce larger fruit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long will the log kit produce mushrooms?
A: With proper care, the log kit can last 2-4 years depending on the size.
Q: How long will it take to get fresh mushrooms?
A: This will vary depending on the size of the log. You can expect to see your first mushrooms within 9-12 months after the inoculation date.
Q: Something has eaten the wax off of the inoculation hole, will it still produce?
A: Birds and insects do this often especially if the log is in the woods. The log should be fine as long as the wax was on the log for several weeks after inoculation.
Q: What is the white or green stuff growing on my log?
A: The white fiber is mushroom mycelium growing throughout the log. Some green mold might grow on the ends of the log but it is harmless. If this happens, try to keep the log in drier conditions or lightly spray the ends with hydrogen peroxide.
Q: Can I grow my mushrooms indoors?
A: Yes you can grow them indoors or on a shady patio but they do tend to grow better outdoors. The logs cannot be in direct sunlight. They do require minimal light as in through a window blind. The log will need to watered on a regular basis since it is not getting rainwater. You may place a shallow dish of water under the bottom of the log once every two weeks. Be sure to spray baby mushrooms often when growing. If the mushrooms get too dry during fruiting, they will abort and stop growing.