Shiitake & Oyster Grow Kit Instructions
Maker's Plug Spawn kits have everything you need to get started growing either fresh shiitake or gray oyster mushrooms right at home. Our simple and easy DIY kits include a pre-set 5/16" drill bit and stop collar, Allen wrench for adjustments if needed, 4 once of paste applicator wax and inoculated hardwood dowels.
How Long Will the Kit Last?
The great thing about using wood dowels is that they can last up to 6 months to a year when properly stored in the refrigerator. This allows you to make your logs on your time schedule. Mark the date on the bag, and put it in the refrigerator right away for storage until you are ready to use. If you have a hardwood tree that falls on your property, you will be ready to put it to use with one of our grow kits.
How Many Logs Can I Make?
Maker's offers three different sizes including 100 dowels, 250 dowels, or 750 dowels. The small kit will inoculate approximately 2-3 logs, the medium kit 4-6 logs and the large kit 14-16 logs.
What Size and Species Log Should I Use?
Maker's wrote an entire Blog on this to help you identify, harvest, and store your mushrooms logs for inoculation. Be sure to check it out here:
You will need hardwood logs that are favorable to the strain of mushrooms you plan on growing. The logs should be roughly 4-6" in diameter and 36-42" long. Smaller diameter logs will also grow mushrooms but the lifespan of the log will not be as long as a larger log.
How Many Dowels Do I Use Per Log?
Mushroom wood dowels take a little more than standard spawn in logs. However, I prefer dowels over space because they limit the damage birds and insects can cause to the logs at the hole location. Based on a 4-6" diameter log that is 36" long, it will take anywhere from 40-50 wood dowels per log.
Drill the row spacing of 3-4" apart. Stagger the next row about 3-4" space in between creating a diamond shape hole pattern.
How Long Before Fresh Mushrooms Grow?
Once you inoculate your log, the log will need to finish it's spawn run through the wood which can take between 9-12 months. The mushrooms will only grow once this is complete and when the environmental conditions are perfect for fruiting. The temperature should be between 55-75 degrees and especially after a heavy rain. Although, I do harvest shiitakes year-round even in December, January and February in Georgia. Be sure to check on your logs regularly and always after it rains. You can easily miss fresh mushrooms when you do not check on the logs.
How Long Will My Logs Last?
The longevity of the log will depend on the species and size. Mushroom logs can last anywhere between 2-4 years when properly handled. It is important to keep the logs out of direct sunlight, limit wind exposure and make sure the logs do not dry out. Water the logs during long dry spells and protect them during the winter if you live in a really cold climate with a tarp.
How Do I Store My Logs?
It is best to keep the logs elevated without direct contact with the soil. I use either wood or plastic pallets located in a very shady area in my woods. Stack them in an alternating pattern creating a raft-like shape. This allows for good airflow and also makes it easy to harvest the mushrooms in the center.
The logs will be ready to start fruiting between 9-12 months. Always check on your logs often and especially after heavy rains. You are able to start force fruiting your shiitake logs after 1 year of incubation. Be sure to check out the blog on Force Fruiting!
Harvesting Logs for Plug Spawn
Check out the link on how and when to harvest logs for plug spawn inoculation below: